Tommy Priester is a Clinical Herbalist, Wellness Counselor and founder of Bear Medicine Holistic Services & Heart Mind Integration Healing. Tommy's a Practicing Clinical Herbalist and Holistic counselor since 1998. He combines extensive knowledge of Western herbalism, Flower essences, shamanism, spiritual healing, aromatherapy, holistic nutrition with ancient wisdom traditions from Native American, Chinnese and other cultures.
Tommy is a masterful teacher and facilitator who combines expert knowledge of his subject with gentle humor. In addition to his own workshops and seminars he continues to be a faculty member at The Boston School of Herbal Studies since 2003.
Tommy is no stranger to the profound healing powers of the plant world. A traumatic injury left him with a wound that refused to heal, even when treated with the strongest Western medicines. He was introduced to a Chinese Healer/Herbalist in NY City. He was amazed by how Dr Nan Lu read his health imbalances. Went fully into the suggested protocol and to his amazement the wound began to heal and was fully healed in 10 days. This life altering experience led Tommy to seek training in herbs and healing.
Tommy's commitment to his own healing path and his close connection to the natural world is an inspiration to his clients and students and all who know him.
Tommy has studied with renowned herbalists Gail Ulrich, Margi Flint, Matthew Wood, William LeSassier, Phillis Light, Donald Yance, Stephen Harrod Buhner, and master flower essence practitioner David Dalton of Delta Gardens.
Native Earth Based Teachings
Since 1984, when a Seminole Native friend from Fl. introduced Tommy to some traditional Native American (First Peoples) ways, Tommy has been privileged to learn from Abenaki, Cherokee, Ojibwa, Cree and Lakota people along his journey.
Tommy has also studied the ancient wisdom traditions as taught in core shamanism with Michael Harner, and other shamanic schools of thought with John Ford, and Dana Robins, and Larry Peters.
Energy Healing
In 2010 Tommy was initiated into Pan Gu Shen Gong as both an instructor of the basic technique and a practitioner of the Pan Gu Shen Gong healing form.
Metro West Boston, 168 Lincoln Rd, Lincoln, MA 01773

Tommy's Bio

Bear Medicine Holistic Services
Working with Tommy has set me on a path that I had been searching for my whole life (past & present)! Tommy opened up my heart and led my Spirit into Peace and Love."
"Even from a distance his energy is healing."